Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The 3 easiest ways to earn more money

In the seemingly infinite universe of ways to make more money, there are really 3 models that are relevant to you.
Learn these and you’ll know 90% of the basic options to make more money.
Most people who say it’s impossible to make more money don’t realize this. Some insist that it’s flat-out undoable, while others take an all-or-nothing approach. “You’re not going to invent the next Google, so what’s the point.” Yet, in reality, there are 3 models virtually anyone can use to make more money.
Let’s cover them so we can have a shared understanding of how to earn extra money as we go into more detail.
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I’m a big believer in not making things harder than they need to be. Sure, you could embark on a long, frustrating (and probably fruitless) quest to invent “The Next Big Thing” in social media or online gaming. But if you’re looking for the EASIEST and BEST way to make money, most people would be do well to stick to these three models.

The false ideal of originality

Originality is greatly overrated when it comes to earning more. Famous copywriter John Carlton once said that, in marketing, “the pioneers are the ones laying by the side of the road with arrows in their backs.” He’s referring, of course, to the delusional dreamers who thought they were inventing the next hot product but got burned by lack of research. Nobody wanted what these people were selling (no matter how much the creator loved it) and their quests to make more money became huge failures.
Think about it: isn’t that why we see so many reports about companies like Google and Facebook in the first place? Precisely because it’s so rare for people to get rich that way – and so common for people to fail? If creating the next Internet phenomenon were a reliable way to make more money, it wouldn’t be newsworthy!
That’s why these 3 models work so well. Not just because they’re simple, but because they’ve been TESTED by thousands of people before you. You aren’t staking your future on some random scheme that you “hope” will work. Instead, you’re applying your own talents to a proven model – which cuts your risk dramatically.

Which model is best for you?

Your job (now that you know about these 3 models) is to identify which one fits YOU best. Everyone is different. We all have unique circumstances, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses in front of us. For example: a college student working at a local grocery store probably isn’t going to negotiate a huge raise…but he could absolutely freelance. Conversely, a recent graduate who is two years into a corporate job is PERFECTLY positioned to negotiate.
The best way to make more money will vary depending on these types of circumstances. In any case, you should now have a much clearer understanding of HOW to make more money. The seemingly endless possibilities that overwhelmed you before are really just variations on the 3 models.
Next steps to make more money

Now you know the basics. So how do you turn it into a consistent side income of $1,000+/month? Join my private Earn1K insider’s list to find out:

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